The Four Pillars



Your FREE Self-Assessment Tool


Reflect on the Four Pillars of Women’s Wellbeing and identify some self-care strategies today.

I'm delighted that you have taken this first step in prioritising your health and wellbeing. Awareness is key to understanding where you are right now and where you want to go.

Get your Self-Assessment here

This free resource is intended as a tool to help you do a 360 review of your health and wellbeing.


  • Use the Wellbeing Review to reflect on where you are right now.
  • Use the Self-Care Strategies to write out a list of behaviours that support your overall wellbeing.
  • You can print this resource off as many times as you want or need. It’s your monthly companion to help you self-reflect & prioritise yourself.


4 Pillars of Women's Wellbeing

I am a big advocate of taking a holistic approach to health and wellbeing, one that focuses on finding balance and nourishing yourself. 

These Four Pillars of Wellbeing gives you a framework to asses and structure your day-to-day habits and lifestyle choices.

1. Track Your Cycle

It's my opinion that all womb-owners can benefit from moon/cycle tracking, understanding our menstrual health, and incorporating elements of cyclical living.

2. Nourish Your Body

Let's break free from the diet-culture narrative. Recognise that our bodies need nourishment and that food nourishes on many levels that go beyond the physical.

3. Move Your Body

Movement is so beneficial for our mental and physical health. Embrace the concept of moving to feel good and seeing exercise as a way to celebrate what your body can do, not punish it.

4. Soothe Your Soul

We live in a hectic world that is ever-connected. It can be hard to find time to press pause. I believe that stress management, self-care, and spirituality are the missing link for many of us.

Learn how you can listen to your body better and embrace the 4 Pillars of Wellbeing!


My intention is that you find this resource a useful tool in supporting you to prioritise a more holistic and nurturing approach to your health and wellbeing. 

Enter your details to access the FREE 4 Pillars of Wellbeing Self-Assessment tool.

When you do so, you will receive the webpage with a PDF file containing the self-evaluation tool along with a confirmation email containing the link.

You'll also get 1-3 emails letting you know about related products, but I promise I won't spam you. 

P.S. To sign up for my Newsletter, make sure you choose YES in the drop-down to be added.


Enter your details to access the FREE 4 Pillars of Wellbeing Self-Assessment tool.


When you do so, you will receive the webpage with a PDF file containing the self-assessment along with a confirmation email containing the link. You'll also get 1-3 emails letting you know about related products, but I promise I won't spam you. To sign up for my Newsletter, make sure you choose YES in the drop-down to be added.